Sons Of The Forest Building Recipe

If you’re looking for Sons Of The Forest Building Recipe to help you craft the structures you need. In this article, We’ve compiled a complete list of Sons Of The Forest Building Recipe.

Surviving in sons of the forest requires strategic planning and building of various structures to protect yourself from the menacing mutants and monsters.

All Sons Of The Forest Building Recipe

To build structures in the game use the guide book. With its help, You can access the building recipes for every structure in the game, Making the process much easier and less time consuming.

Accessing the guide book is simple, Just press the B key button early on in the game. Once you’ve opened it up, You’ll notice that there are several categories of buildings and structures to choose from. To switch between them, simply press the X key button.

But what if you want a quick reference guide for all of the building recipes and crafting materials. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of every building and structure in the game, along with its respective recipe and crafting materials.

By using the guide book and our list, You’ll be able to craft your way to success in the game.

No more struggling to figure out the right materials or wasting time searching for recipes with these tools at your disposal, You’ll be building structures in no time.

How To Build A Tent

How To Build A Tent In Sons Of The Forest

First, Make sure you have a tarp in your inventory. You should have it from the start of the game.

Equip the tarp and place it on a flat surface, otherwise it won’t work. Then, Look for the arrow marked on your screen and place at least one stick there. You can place up to 4 sticks to secure the tent.

Now you have built yourself a tent and now you can rest easy knowing you have a place to shelter from the elements.

How To Build Basic Fire

How To Build Basic Fire In Sons Of The Forest

To start a basic fire, All you need is one stick. You can break the stick in half and then use it to start fire.

If you want to make the fire stronger, You can break two sticks at the same spot and use them to start the fire.

Reinforced Fire

Sons Of The Forest Reinforced Fire

A reinforced fire is a basic fire that has rocks surrounding it.

Standing Fire

Sons Of The Forest Standing Fire

To create a standing fire, You can start by poking a stick into the ground. After that, Wrap the stick with a cloth and stack more sticks around it. Once you have all the sticks in place, You can light the fire using a match or lighter.

Skull Lamp

Sons Of The Forest Skull Lamp

To make a skull lamp, You will need a stick, a piece of cloth, and a skull. Start by poking the stick into the ground and placing the cloth on top of it. Then, Place the skull on top of the cloth to complete your skull lamp.

How To Make Firewood

How To Make Firewood In Sons Of The Forest

To make firewood, First gather some logs. Now chop the logs with your axe, Also you can chop it into small pieces.

How To Build Stick structures

How To Build Stick Structures In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to make a stick structure in your game, First you gotta jam a stick into the ground and slap a skull on it.

But if you want a more dangerous weapon, You can stick a rod into the earth and then hack away at it with an axe to make it sharper. Get ready to crush your enemies with your newly crafted stick weaponry.

How To Build Reinforced Structures

How To Build Reinforced structures In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to beef up your structures in the game, Start by creating a stick structure.

Once you’ve got that set up, You can make it stronger by placing rocks underneath it. Your enemies won’t stand a chance against your fortified fortresses.

How To Build A Fence

How To Build A Fence In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to make a fence in your game, it’s super easy. Just grab two sticks and poke them into the ground near each other.

Then, take two more sticks and lay them horizontally across the first two sticks to create a fence. With your new fence, you can keep the bad guys out and protect your valuable resources.

How To Build The Floor

How To Build The Floor In Sons Of The Forest

To build floor, You need to place logs on the ground to make a square shape. Once you’ve formed the square, add more logs inside it to complete the floor.

The good news is that you don’t have to manually chop the logs. The game automatically chops the logs for you when you try to place a whole log.

How To Build A Wall

How To Build A Wall In Sons Of The Forest

You can build by placing logs horizontally along the border of the floor.

How To Build A Door

How To Build A Door In Sons Of The forest

If you want to create a door in your game, start by building a wall. Once your wall is in place, Make a space in the middle where you want the door to be. Next, Add logs to the space you created to form the door.

How To Make A Window

How To Make A Window In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to create a window, You’ll need to start by building a wall just like when building a door. Once your wall is in place, Use your trusty axe to remove some logs from the middle of the wall to create an opening for your window.

Single Step And Basic Beams

Single Step In Sons Of The Forest

If you wanna build a step, Start by crafting a floor first. Next, grab a log and chop it in half. Then, Place the log halves next to the floor to make your step.

Basic Beams In Sons Of The Forest

For basic beams, Begin by driving a log into the ground. After that, Position another log diagonally on top of the first log. Finally, Place a log on the opposite end to complete the structure.

How To Build A Roof

How To Build A Roof In Sons Of The Forest

Before you can construct a roof, You gotta start by building walls at 90-degree angles from each other. Once you’ve got your walls in place, Place a beam between them and then drive a log into the ground nearby.

When you are carrying a log, You’ll see an indicator pop up prompting you to build the roof. Just follow that indicator and you will be able to construct your roof in no time.

How To Make Struts

How To Make Struts In Sons Of The Forest

If you wanna make some struts in your game, Start by chopping up some logs into smaller pieces. Then, Drive those pieces into the ground to form four small, Vertical beams.

Once you’ve got your vertical beams in place, Grab three small logs and use them to join the four beams together.

After that, Chop up some more logs and place two small logs at each end of the structure. Finally, Remove the two beams in the middle to complete your strut.

How To Build Stairs And Ramp

How To Build Stairs In Sons Of The Forest

If you wanna build an arch, Start by using logs to construct the arch itself. Once you’ve got your arch in place, Put two diagonal beams on each end of the arch to provide some extra support.

Finally, Use some half logs as steps to create a way to climb up to the arch with these steps in place, You’ll be able to access your arch with ease.

How To Build A Ramp In Sons Of The Forest

You can take similar steps for the stairs, But instead place half logs as steps, After that join them together into a ramp with no space between them.

How To Build A Defensive Wall

How To Build A Defensive Wall In Sons Of The Forest

If you’re looking to fortify a wall, Start by building the wall itself. Then, Grab your trusty axe and use it to trim the top of the wall to make it nice and sharp.

To further strengthen the wall, Try placing another log horizontally in the middle. However, Be aware that this method may not always work perfectly it could be that the logs need to be perfectly aligned in order for this technique to be effective.

How To Build A Rope And Rope Bridge

How To Build A Rope In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to build a rope structure, Start by placing the rope against a wall. Next, Remove the logs that are in the middle to create an arch shape.

How To Build A Rope Bridge In Sons Of The Forest

If you’re looking to build a rope bridge, Place a rope between two walls, And then place logs on the rope to form a bridge.

How To Build A Shelter

Here’s a list of the materials you will need to construct different types of shelters in the game:

Hunting shelter and Small log cabin in Sons Of The Forest

Hunting shelter: 5 logs, 6 sticks, and 7 rocks.

Small log cabin: 75 logs.

Tree Shelter 1 And Tree Shelter 2 In Sons Of The Forest

Tree Shelter 1: 70 logs and 1 rope.

Tree Shelter 2: 96 logs.

Tree Platform 1 And Tree Platform 2 In Sons Of The Forest

Tree Platform 1: 7 logs and 1 rope.

Tree Platform 2: 35 logs and 1 rope.

Lean To And Look Out Tower In Sons Of The Forest

Lean To: 53 logs.

Look Out Tower: 60 logs and 1 rope.

How To Build Traps

How To Build Traps In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to make some traps, Here are the materials you’ll need:

Bone Maker Trap: 2 sticks, 3 rocks, 3 leaves, 1 vodka bottle, and 1 rope.

Fly Swatter Trap: 10 sticks, 3 rocks, and 1 rope.

How To Build Gardening Structures

How To Build Gardening Structures In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to build some planters in the game, Here are the materials you’ll need:

Standing Planter: 18 sticks.

Wall Planter: 16 sticks.

How To Build Utility Structures

How To Build Utility Structures In Sons Of The Forest

Here’s what you need to build utility structures in the game:

Bird House: 18 sticks.

Scarecrow: 14 sticks and 4 duct tapes.

Rock Path: Rocks only.

Stick Path: Sticks only.

How To Build Storage Structures

If you want to build storage structures in the game, Here are the materials you’ll need:

How To Build Storage Structures In Sons Of The Forest

Shelf: 2 logs.

Wall Shelf: 2 sticks and 1 log.

Drying Rack: 13 sticks.

Mannequin: 20 sticks and 5 duct tapes.

Log Storage: 8 sticks.

Bone Storage: 7 sticks.

Stick Storage: 6 sticks.

Rock Storage: 7 sticks.

How To Make Furniture

How To Make Furniture In Sons Of The Forest

If you want to build furniture in the game, Here are the materials you’ll need:

Bench: 2 logs (one chopped into half logs and the other into beams).

Table: 3 logs.

Wall Torch: 1 cloth and 1 stick.

Ceiling Skull Lamp: 1 skull and 1 rope.

Bone Chair: 15 bones and 1 skull.

Bone Chandelier: 19 bones and 9 skulls.

Stick Bed: 16 sticks and 1 duct tape.

Stick Chair: 14 sticks.

If you have found our article on Sons Of The Forest Building Recipe helpful. We have many other guides available on sons of the forest. Feel free to check out our Sons of the forest guide.

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