How To Beat Legion In Remnant 2 – Easy Boss Guide

Remnant 2 presents players with numerous challenging bosses, and one of the most formidable is Legion, encountered within The Twisted Chantry.

Defeating this robed figure, with a strange eye for a head (or an extension thereof), can prove to be quite the challenge.

Legion has the ability to inflict Madness upon you at any given opportunity, and attacking the figure directly on the throne seems futile.

So, what’s the winning strategy when your regular attacks are ineffective and it continuously spawns enemies to keep you occupied? The key lies in targeting the head.

This guide will outline all of Legion’s moves during the fight and provide effective counter-strategies to help you emerge victorious.

How To Beat Legion In Remnant 2: Strategies And Tactics

To take down Legion swiftly, focus your attacks on the floating eye, especially when it glows. Throughout the fight, Legion employs the following attacks:

1. Summon Enemies:

At the start of the battle, Legion will summon a horde of enemies to assail you. While it might be tempting to concentrate solely on the floating eye, do not overlook the swarm of foes attempting to overwhelm you.

Prioritize dealing with the additional enemies before directing your attention back to the eye.

2. Respawn Shockwave:

The robed figure unleashes a red-colored shockwave that resurrects fallen enemies and deals damage to you. This wave attack penetrates through walls, rendering cover ineffective.

To counter this, roll through the shockwave instead of attempting to escape it. Once the enemies are dealt with, resume your focus on the eye.

3. Projectile Attacks:

Legion’s giant red floating eye will shoot red glowing orb-like projectiles at you. Evade these attacks by either running away or rolling just before the projectiles reach you.

4. Madness Screech:

Though the eye’s direct attacks may not pose the greatest threat, the Madness screech is an exception. When the eye glows bright red, it signifies an impending devastating attack.

Seize this opportunity to unleash all your skills and attacks on the eye. While the screech may damage you and inflict Madness, the damage you deal during this phase far outweighs the rest of the fight.

Winning Strategy: Counter And Conquer

By countering the aforementioned moves and consistently targeting the Eye, you can overcome Legion with relative ease.

Initially, take the fight slowly to familiarize yourself with its attack patterns. Avoid rushing in unprepared, as this approach is likely to result in an untimely demise.

That’s all you need to know to secure victory against Legion in remnant 2. Armed with these strategies and tactics, you can confidently face this challenging boss and emerge triumphant.

For further informative content on remnant 2 and other related topics, Be sure to explore our comprehensive remnant 2 section.

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