How To Survive Winter Season In Sons Of The Forest

In this article, We’ll provide you with some useful tips on How To Survive Winter Season In Sons Of The Forest.

Sons of the Forest, The much awaited sequel to The Forest, Comes with different in-game seasons, Including autumn and winter. However, Surviving winter can be quite challenging, Especially for new players.

How To Survive Winter Season In Sons Of The Forest

Below we have told how to survive winter season in sons of the forest:

Get a Torch to Keep Warm

Get a Torch to Keep Warm In Sons Of The Forest

When winter arrives in the game, After around 10 in-game days, you’ll notice that you start feeling cold easily.

This affects your stamina and ability to run, Making exploration a bit more challenging. To stay warm, It’s wise to make a torch using just a stick and a piece of cloth.

Simply light the torch on fire and carry it with you during exploration to avoid feeling cold.

Equip a Winter Jacket

An even better way to keep warm during winter is by getting a winter jacket. This eliminates the need to carry a torch around and allows you to explore freely without worrying about feeling cold.

You can find a winter jacket at a campsite located at the base of a waterfall. For more details on the jacket’s location, Check out online guides.

How to Find Food and Water during Winter

How to Find Food and Water during Winter In Sons Of The Forest

During winter, You’ll notice that even the seeds you’ve planted in the planter are gone. So how do you find food and water during this season? Here are some tips:

  • Make a Drying Rack: To get food during winter, you can make a drying rack. This can be found under the storage section of the building guide book. The drying rack allows you to place around 5 or 6 raw meat or fish, Which will be edible in around 1 to 2 in-game days.
  • Find Water Sources: While many of the lakes and rivers may have frozen, water can still be found in certain areas of the game. Alternatively, you can keep canned drinks or water in a flask prior to winter.

Surviving winter season in Sons of the Forest can be quite challenging, Especially for new players. However, With these useful tips, You should be able to stay warm and find food and water during this season.

Remember to get a torch or winter jacket to stay warm and make a drying rack to get food. Stay safe and enjoy the game.

If you have found our article on How To Survive Winter Season In Sons Of The Forest. We have many other guides available on sons of the forest. Feel free to check out our Sons of the forest guide.

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