Street Fighter 6 Drive Gauge System (Explained)

Get ready for some cool upgrades in Street Fighter 6! They’ve added something super cool called the street fighter 6 drive gauge system. It totally changes how the fighting works. Instead of just regular moves, now players can use the drive gauge to do awesome things like overdrive moves and other super cool techniques.

Now, let’s talk about this drive gauge thing in Street Fighter 6. We’ll break it down so you can understand it easily. No confusing stuff, just the fun parts.

What Is Drive Gauge System In Street Fighter 6

In Street Fighter 6, every fighter starts the battle with a six-bar drive gauge. These bars are like your power-ups to do cool moves.

Each move uses some bars from the gauge. If you use them all up, your character goes into “Burnout” mode. So, managing the drive gauge is super important in SF6.

But remember, just saving the gauge isn’t the only goal. With the drive system, you get to do awesome moves. Here are some of them:

Drive Impact: Unleashing Devastating Forward Momentum

Drive impact is like a tough attack that charges ahead wearing armor, acting as a protective shield. It defends against simple hits and things like fireballs (Hadoken).

Also, when you use this move, it not only hurts your opponent but also takes away a chunk from your drive gauge. If your opponent stops the drive impact with a block, they get pushed back.

And here’s a cool part: if the block happens close to a wall, your opponent becomes open to attacks, giving you a chance to unleash a powerful combo. Using the drive impact move takes up just one bar from your gauge.

Drive Parry: Skillful Defense Against Attacks

Alright, so there’s this move in the game called Drive parry. What it does is let you block attacks by holding the medium punch or kick buttons.

Just so you know, it doesn’t work against throws. And when you use this move, it takes away half of the drive gauge. Oh, and if you keep holding those buttons, the gauge will slowly run out.

Now, here’s the cool part. If you nail a perfect parry, time sort of slows down for a bit. That gives you a chance to hit back with a counterattack.

Drive Rush: Swiftly Closing the Distance

Get ready for a super important move in the game the drive rush. It helps you quickly go forward against your opponents. There are two ways to use this move.

First, dash out of a parry. Second, cancel a special move that can be canceled to start the drive rush.

When you use the drive rush after a parry, it uses up one bar. But if you go with the other way, it needs three bars from the drive gauge.

Overdrive: Amplifying Special Moves

If you’re into Street Fighter, you might remember overdrive moves from the old games. Well, in Street Fighter 6, overdrive takes special moves like the famous Hadoken to a whole new level – we call them overdrive arts.

Using this cool power-up costs two bars from your drive gauge. With overdrive, you can really smack your opponents and cause some serious damage. And guess what? You can activate it by just hitting two buttons during the same special move. Easy peasy!

5. Drive Reversal: Defensive Maneuver

Let’s talk about the Drive Reversal move in Street Fighter 6. It’s like a special move that helps you defend yourself in the game. If you’ve played Street Fighter 5, you might have seen a similar move called V-Reversal.

To do the Drive Reversal, just push forward and use a strong attack. It’s a bit like the Overdrive move, and it uses up two bars from your Drive Gauge.

That’s it for our chat about the Drive Gauge System in Street Fighter 6. We’ve looked at different moves like Impact, Parry, Rush, Overdrive, and Reversal.

Final Thoughts

Learn the Drive System and its cool moves to get a big advantage in your battles. Check out our Street Fighter 6 section for more info about the game and related stuff.

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